
Heather's Boudoir Session

First off, this girl rocks. Her and I were hired around the same time at Victoria's Secret a few years ago, and we've always remained friends. She's hilarious, tall and gorgeous!

Heather wanted to do a pin-up boudoir session, so I took to the internet and looked up those classic Vargas Girls drawings. The drawing to the left is one of many that I referenced while shooting.

Heather recently had surgery on her shoulder, so she would do a pose like this, and then I would take a few quick shots and then yell, "OK you can relax your arms!" haha She was a trooper, that's for sure.

Without further delay...here are her gorgeous photos

I honestly CANNOT pick a favorite! I LOVE every single one. She did pin-up like she was from the 50's! When I look at these, my mind goes, "fkjdksafje9w0afhjerioajf940r900^&%^$jfiouew9". I can only imagine how much her fiance loves these! hah!

Hair and makeup done by Austin Russell

p.s. I am doing this chick's engagement photos at Disneyland. Yes, you heard right, DISNEYLAND. I can't wait! 

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