
Heather's Boudoir Session

First off, this girl rocks. Her and I were hired around the same time at Victoria's Secret a few years ago, and we've always remained friends. She's hilarious, tall and gorgeous!

Heather wanted to do a pin-up boudoir session, so I took to the internet and looked up those classic Vargas Girls drawings. The drawing to the left is one of many that I referenced while shooting.

Heather recently had surgery on her shoulder, so she would do a pose like this, and then I would take a few quick shots and then yell, "OK you can relax your arms!" haha She was a trooper, that's for sure.

Without further delay...here are her gorgeous photos

I honestly CANNOT pick a favorite! I LOVE every single one. She did pin-up like she was from the 50's! When I look at these, my mind goes, "fkjdksafje9w0afhjerioajf940r900^&%^$jfiouew9". I can only imagine how much her fiance loves these! hah!

Hair and makeup done by Austin Russell

p.s. I am doing this chick's engagement photos at Disneyland. Yes, you heard right, DISNEYLAND. I can't wait! 


Ashley's Boudoir Session

Ashley's photo shoot was the first of the Valentine's Day season, and they turned out amazing!!

I came over to her house in Aliso Viejo, CA. I brought along my awesome hairstylist, Austin Russell, to do her hair and makeup. The three of us chatted before the session, during and after. I had a really great time catching up with Ashley (we went to high school together). 

Anyway, on to her beautiful photos...

I'm obsessed with this particular pose. Every session is unique, but I always have my boudoir girls do this pose because I LOVE IT. 

Hair and makeup done by Austin Russell.


yay for blogging!

ALRIGHT! I finally started a blog to keep you all updated on the latest from my photo sessions. Expect lots of photo updates!

The next few posts will be about my latest boudoir sessions...

je t'aime my lovelies.